Thursday, October 27, 2005

Doing Good

Every man is guilty of all the good he didn't do. - Voltaire

What kind of world would this be if each one of us made up our minds to do all the good we could do in the time that we have. You may respond, "That's idealistic tripe." Well, let's make the goal somewhat smaller: what would your world - the world immediately around you of family, friends, acquaintances, and neighbors - what would it be if you made up your mind to do all the good you could do in the time that you have? Idealistic? Maybe ... but to paraphrase John Lennon, I may be a dreamer, but I hope you'll join me.

True religion is real living; living with all one's soul, with all one's goodness. - Albert Einstein

What good can you do? You don't have to be wealthy or multi-talented. You don't have to be popular or influential. You just have to be willing. You see, what you have is very valuable and is desired by almost every human being: the warm impulses of the human heart, the deep-seated humanity that cares and wants to do good to others. Every day you run across someone that needs your help. Perhaps you could lighten their load, lift their spirits, or lessen their stress. You can do good to others by acting with kindness, showing appreciation, or giving encouragement.

By cultivating the beautiful we scatter the seeds of heavenly flowers, as by doing good we cultivate those that belong to humanity. - Vernon Howard

The single greatest good you can do to another human being is to give part of yourself away ... it is also the riskiest act you will ever perform. Some people won't accept it, some will misunderstand you, others will misinterpret your motives. You will often be hurt by the very people you are trying to help. But, if you make the choice to do good with the time that you have, you'll persevere in spite of the risks, because it is worth it.

Fools live to regret their words, wise men to regret their silence. - Will Henry

A recent study by the University of Michigan tested two groups of people, the only difference between the groups was that one group did one hour of volunteer work a week and the other didn't. At the end of the test, the group that didn't do any volunteer work had a two-hundred and twelve times greater chance of dying during the study than those who were actively involved in volunteering. The study showed that volunteering one hour a week lowered cholesterol, strengthened the immune system and the heart. Doing good for others, acting unselfishly, led to a healthier, happier lifestyle.

To talk goodness is not good... only to do it is. - Chinese Proverb

What difference would it make if you decided to do all the good you could with the time that you have? What difference indeed!

Don't let evil get the best of you, but conquer evil by doing good. - Romans 12:21, Holy Bible

Wish I Was Here!

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