Friday, December 16, 2005


Every day, people settle for less than they deserve. They are only partially living or at best living a partial life. Every human being has the potential for greatness. - Bo Bennett

I was at a speakers training conference this weekend and world-class speaker Kevin Bracy ( spoke on the importance of moving from excellence to greatness. He said excellence should not be our ultimate goal, we ought to be striving for greatness.

What does it mean to be great? Tiger Woods is the greatest golfer. Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player. Abraham Lincoln is the greatest American president. Elvis is the greatest Rock-n-Roller. Blaise Pascall is the greatest mathematician. Shakespeare is the greatest English playwright. Pick your field and you'll find hundreds of people of excellence, but only a notable few who have achieved greatness.

But that definition of greatness may be way too narrow to be of any value to the rest of us. You see, most of us aren't going to be Shakespeare or Lincoln, we may never be known outside a small circle of people, but that doesn't mean we can't be great. Let's define greatness as the desire, the daring, and the determination to achieve your destiny. You want to achieve it ... you are willing to take the necessary risks ... and you refuse to let anything keep you from making it happen.

I've often said, the only thing standing between me and greatness is me. - Woody Allen

With that definition, here are five things you can do to begin reaching for greatness ...

G - Guard Your Thoughts. Start paying attention to what is filling your mind. Most of the input is a lot like McDonald's Menu, it looks good but it has no nutritional value ... and too much of it will make you sick! Read empowering words, listen to positive messages, refuse to allow negative and pessimistic assertions any room in your mind.

Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children. - Kahlil Gibran

R - Remember Where You've Come From. If you read the biography's of great people you will find a common theme, most of them were common people who treated others with respect and dignity. It is hard to think of a single person we consider great who was arrogant, rude, or treated others with contempt. Remember, you earn respect by giving respect.

Great people are those who make others feel that they, too, can become great. - Mark Twain

E - Exercise Your Body As Well As Your Mind. You don't necessarily need to be in the gym everyday, but if you are going to be a person of destiny, then you may want to take care of yourself so you'll be around long enough to enjoy it!

Greatness consists in trying to be great. There is no other way. - Albert Camus

A - Affirm Yourself. We are bombarded with negative affirmations, and we need to counteract that with positive affirmations (hence my book: Go For It!). From the time you wake up in the morning until you go to bed at night, say positive things to yourself. For every negative comment you hear, you need three or four positive affirmations to neutralize it.

None, but people of strong passion are capable of rising to greatness. - Comte de Mirabeau

T - Think Through Your Own Definition Of Greatness. You may want to be a great world leader, or musician, or artist, or scholar, or athlete, or any number of things ... that's great. Or you may want to be a great son or daughter, or spouse, or friend. Don't let anyone else define greatness for you.

As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world, as in being able to remake ourselves. - Mahatma Gandhi

Don't wait to be great! If you have the desire, the daring and the determination, then you can pursue greatness in everything you DO ... and everything you ARE.


At 8:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love this article. Excellent message and some excellent quotes. Good job!


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